Past Events
Capoeira Regional Intensive 2024
Professor Malandro will lead a week-long intensive covering music, movement, jogos (Banguelinha, Idalina, São Bento Grande), Balões and MORE!
$175 for Full Intensive
$100 for Morning Workshops
$85 for Afternoon Workshops
$100 for Evening Workshops
$30 drop-in per workshop
Juneteenth Roda 2019
JUNETEENTH is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. We celebrate this day with an art form that was once practiced in secret in the slave quarters of Brazil and is now celebrated to honor the resistance against oppression their fight for freedom.
Zumbimba 2017
Our 4th annual celebration of Zumbimba! We are honored to host special guests:
- Mestre Nenel, the global reference of
Capoeira Regional
- Rainha Nalvinha, Mestra de Samba
- Mestra Preguiça, the first and only female
Mestre in Capoeira Regional
- Mestre Canguru
- Professor Mascote
- Professor Dentinho
- Professora Samambaia (Nives Wetzel de
Cediel) -
Zumbimba 2016
ZUMBIMBA is an annual celebration that honors the legacies of two powerful men who are symbols of Black resistance — Zumbi dos Palmares and Mestre Bimba. It’s a weekend full of movements and history of capoeiras, Maculelé, Puxada de Rede, Dança Afro, Samba de Roda and with rodas, open dicussions and refreshments.
Special guest include:
- Rainha Nalvinha – Mestra de Samba and
daughter of Mestre Bimba
- Mestra Preguiça – The first and only female
Mestre of Capoeira Regional.
- Mestre Canguru of Filhos de Bimba –
acclaimed musician
- Professora Sambambaia (Nives Wetzel de
Cediel! Nives) founder and artistic director of
Omi Tutu dance organization. -
Juneteenth Roda 2016
Our 3rd annual JUNETEENTH Roda celebrating the end of slavery in the US. This year, we will all be in dressed in white to honor capoeirista who challenged themselves to keep their best clothes clean enough to go to church, party, work, etc.
Special guests includes:
- Contra Mestre Xango
- Contra Mestre Omi
- Contra Mestre Muito Tempo
- Prof. Caimãn
- Instrutor Saracuru -
Filhos de Bimba Benefit Dinner 2016
We’re celebrate the third anniversary of Filhos de Bimba Bay Area School of Capoeira! It’s an evening filled with exciting capoeira performances, Dança Afro, traditional Brazilian music, a delicious dinner, exciting raffles, and lots of fun for the whole family. We’re honored to have Mestre Nenel, founder of Filhos de Bimba, join us for the festivites
Juneteenth Roda 2014
JUNETEENTH is a time of celebration, reflection, healing, and community. It is a time for assessment, self-improvement and for planning the future. As a tribute to the freedom of our ancestors, Professor Malandro, Professor Salim and Contre Mestre Xangô organized this roda to share our capoeira in the traditions that was handed down to us as a tool of resistance. What was once practiced in secret in the slave quarters of Brazil, capoeira is celebrated to honor our connection to African descendants and their struggle for freedom.
Brazilian Cultural Arts Benefit Show
Join us for an inspiring evening of dance and Capoeira performances to traditional Brazilian music, dinner and an exciting raffle! Celebrate Brazilian culture by supporting the work of the Filhos de Bimba School of Capoeira in the Bay Area. We focus on the methodology and traditions of Capoeira Regional set forth by Mestre Bimba, the founder of modern Capoeira. Experience the rich and diverse culture of Brazil through the music of traditional instruments, performances of Afro-Bahian dances Puxada de Rede, the dance celebrating the fishermen’s daily life, and Maculele, a dramatic and high-energy mock-combat dance and a capoeira demonstration.
Zumbimba 2013
We welcome you to our first ZUMBIMBA event!
ZUMBIMBA is an annual celebration which was started in November 1991 by Filhos de Bimba – Escola de Capoeia to honor the legacies of two powerful men in the history of Africans in Brazil—Zumbi dos Palmares and Mestre Bimba. The contributions of these two men have elevated the consciousness of Afro-Brazilians and have brought together people of different cultures & backgrounds in unity.
Filhos de Bimba - Bay Area Inauguration
Join us for the inaugural celebration of the 1st Filhos de Bimba school in the United States! This historic two-day event features workshops in Capoeira Regional, dances from Bahia, lectures and rodas. Mestre Nenel, son of Mestre Bimba and founder of Filhos de Bimba Escola de Capoeira, will share his knowledge.
Other special guests include:
- Professor Mascote (FdB São Paulo)
- Professora Lang (FdB Toronto)
- Professor Comprido (FdB Germany) - Mestre Urubu Malandro
- Mestra Suelly
- Contra Mestre Xango
- Contra Mestre Recruta
- Contra Mestre Fabio
- Contra Mestre Risadinha
- Professor Bojinho
- Professor Formiguinha
- Instrutora Foquinha
- Instrutor Chipa
- Instrutor Algodão
- Formado Caçador
- Graduado Ciga -
ZUMBIMBA celebrates the cultural legacy of capoeira and honors influential figures from the past and present. Join Filhos de Bimba - Bay Area Nov. 14-16 as we bring the axe of Salvador, Bahia to the Bay Area for a weekend of music, dance and capoeira! We are excited to have the presence of Mestre Nenel, Mestra Preguiça, Mestra Nalvinha and Mestre Canguru to help us celebrate and revel in the joy of capoeira and connect to its Afro-rooted origins!